Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Rick Perry Thinks...

 Canada is part of the United States. Talking about the Keystone XL pipeline, he said:

“Every barrel of oil that comes out of those sands in Canada is a barrel of oil that we don’t have to buy from a foreign source,”

Ahhhh, Rick.  Canada is a foreign source.

Furthermore, it is questionable whether the Keystone XL pipeline will have any significant effect on our dependence on foreign oil (other than Canadian foreign oil).  According to presentations to investors,  Gulf Coast refiners plan to refine the cheap Canadian crude supplied by the pipeline into diesel and other products for export to Europe and Latin America. Proceeds from these exports are earned tax-free. Much of the fuel refined from the pipeline’s heavy crude oil will never reach U.S. drivers’ tanks. (Source)

Note:  The US is already a net exporter of refined oil products.  Want to reduce the price of your gasoline?  How about we stop selling it overseas, and increase the supply at home.

Fat chance of that happening!


  1. It is impossible to explain to conservatives the fact that "Drill Baby Drill" oil that is extracted goes to the world supply and "Domestic" producers no long exist and haven't for a while (BP "married" Amoco in 1998) alos unlike what Michele Bachmann holds Petro-Dollars aren't going to replace the US Federal Reserve Dollar in Marcus' wallet...

  2. Maybe he should join up with Palin and teach geography.

  3. Can Perry see Canada from his back porch?

  4. Good One.. lol.

    I could go all spiritual on you and say we are all ONE and no one if a foreigner or a foreign land.. hee-hee but I will not be obnoxious and do so..

  5. Well, at least he didn't say he can SEE
    Canada from his backyard.

    Beyond all that,'s a clue...oil resources are...FINITE. One day, nowhere on this planet will there be enough oil to power our gas sucking machines. Maybe we should put our brain into a different gear, asshole. To me, THAT'S what a real statesman ought to be talking about. Seriously.

  6. The republicans have no Statesman. Hell, I'm not even sure the Democrats do.

  7. A book of gaffes vt Perry will soon contain more pages than the average bible.

  8. Wow, this Perry guy really runs the gamut. At first he threatened to have Texas secede and now he wants to annex Canada. I simply can't keep up with the fella'.

  9. Nor would I ever trust him with the nuclear trigger.

  10. Interestingly, Canada's P.M. has ordered a study and planning for a shift of the pipeline route to British Columbia ports, where, presumably, the tar sands would be shipped to China. Either that or he expects it will refined in B.C. Big Oil might go for that, I suppose, since if Obama gets re-elected, Big Oil might not get everything it wants on a silver platter.
