The GOP platform in Maine has been written by the Tea Party. It is something that all Maine republicans are supposed to run on. This should be very interesting. You can read the platform here (link to download pdf file).
Most of it is standard GOP/Tea Party rhetoric. But, there are a couple of interesting provisions, one dealing with the fetus and one dealing with children. It seems that Maine is more interested in the unborn than the born.
First of all, they say:
"We recognize the sanctity of life, which includes the unborn."
OK, they are against abortion. Standard stuff. But then they go on to say:
"Reject the UN Treaty on Rights of the Child."
Wait a minute!
The UN Treaty on Rights of the Child deals with the civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights of children. Among other things, it prohibits the sale of children, child prostitution, and child pornography.
One could say, and of course I never would, that the Maine GOP/Tea Party is in favor of the sale of children.
One could say, and of course I never would, that the Maine GOP/Tea Party is in favor of child prostitution.
One could say, and of course I never would, that the Maine GOP/Tea Party is in favor of child pornography.
The other interesting aspect of this whole thing is that only two countries in the whole world have not ratified this Convention. Want to guess who they are?
The United States!
What's up with that?
This just in: Maine GOP Vandalizes 8th Grade Classroom
Not only did they adopt a Tea Bag platform, they met in a public school classroom and "went through eighth-grade teacher Paul Clifford’s items, opened sealed boxes, stole a prized poster, and vandalized the room with Republican slogans."
Way to go GOP. That's showing lots of "class"!
One could say all these things, Jerry -- but one does not have to as the evidence speaks for itself.