Elizabeth over at The Middle of Nowhere recently told us all about the ideal woman named Aiko. Now, here is her sister, the bad one in the family, depending on your point-of-view. She is Roxxxy the Sex Robot.
Roxxxy is a life-size rubber doll that's designed to engage the owner with conversation rather than lifelike movement. The dark-haired, negligee-clad, life-size robotic girlfriend comes complete with artificial intelligence and flesh-like synthetic skin. Standing five feet, seven inches tall, the doll weighs 120 pounds, comes with five “personalities”, and is “ready for action”.
She has several different personalities such as Wild Wendy, who is outgoing and adventurous, Frigid Farrah, who is reserved and shy, a young unnamed doll with a naïve personality, “matriarchal kind of caring” Mature Martha and S & M Susan, who is geared for more adventurous types.
She can even talk about football.
Ladies -- you have not been forgotten. There is a male version in the planning named Rocky.
Jerry this is tooo scary, but I guess if you are single, lonely and confined to your house, well...I guess a mans gotta do what a mans gotta do....
ReplyDeleteAs I have posted on Ms.Elizabeth's site .... there has been a male doll out for several year's now, HBO back at least 7-8 year's ago done a one hour documentary on the male version and had 3 women using it simutaneously .... having one Hell of a time!
ReplyDeleteThanx ..........
Also let me add that the male version does not cook, clean or whatever ... and has detachable penis's so you can utilize different sizes.
ReplyDeleteYeah, but does it talk to you? That's the novel feature of Roxxxy and, I assume, Rocky. You know how women like you to "talk to them".
ReplyDeleteThe detachable penis gives new meaning to "cutting your balls off".
Nope ....it didnt talk ... and I understand your well made point of talking to your mate. However let me add ... that in the demo I seen .... a talking one would have done no good .... because as one gal used the penis, another used the mouth and one used it's hand. The gal's later gave it a high approval rating as well ... and said it was great!
ReplyDeleteStepwife material..lol.
ReplyDeleteThe male one won't go out and brag to his buddies. I think the not talking thing is what really turned the chicks on.
ReplyDeleteHi Jerry. Thanks for your visits and comments at Politics Plus.
ReplyDeleteDang!! Now they're manufacturing Republicans!! :-(