Saturday, February 25, 2012

If Republicans Are The Fiscally Responsible Ones, Why...

...are we better off with a Democrat in the Presidency?

I have posted before about how the economy does better when there is a Democrat in the White House.  Here is another measure of how the economy does better with a Democratic President.  Take a look at the figure below.

This figure comes to us from our friends over at Bloomberg Businessweek.  

What it shows is that if you took $1000 and invested it in a S&P tracking fund at the beginning of Kennedy's term in 1961 and only took gains during subsequent Democratic presidencies, you would have ended up with $10,920 on Feb. 21 of this year.

Similarly if you took $1000 and did the same thing starting with Nixon's term, you would have only $2087.

In other words, you earned almost FIVE TIMES as much under Democratic presidents as under republican presidents.

Tell me again, which party is better for the economy?


  1. What a great chart.. it clearly shows the Truth. Charts are better than all the 'gibberish' ..shows the Simple Facts.

  2. Thanks for the information. It makes perfect sense. I think there's sort of a parallel with another ongoing news story: the red states receive more money from the federal government than they pay in taxes. With blue states, it's the reverse.

    I sense a pattern here...

  3. Great chart. It shows that everybody does better when everybody does better... and that everybody does better economically-speaking with a Dem in the White House. 8-) Pictures are indeed worth a thousand words sometimes!

  4. The truth shall not only make us free, in this case, it'll make us richer!

  5. Sure, the rich Wall St. guys do better under Democrats, but where are your figures on the poor and the average Joe ?

  6. Are you trying to say that the poor and the average joe do better when a republican is in the presidency? I'd love to see those figures!

  7. You may be right, Jerry. But it would probably also be illustrative to see the economic results via Congressional make-up, too. My suspicion is that the American economy is strong enough to survive over time what either party can throw at it, generally.

  8. No doubt, congressional make up makes a different. But ultimately, it is the president that claims the credit or gets the blame. It also depends (credit or blame) on which side of the fence you sit. Congress is always the backup argument.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Your premise is delusional
    Republicans are the economic responsible party
    Another false straw man argument to have something to bitch about the Republicans for.

  11. Let's see now. Wikipedia defines straw man as:

    A straw man is a component of an argument and is an informal fallacy based on misrepresentation of an opponent's position.

    So, a "false straw man" must be a TRUE component of an argument.

    Thanks, Anon for your support!

  12. Republican/Right-Wing thinking on this issue goes thusly:

    By saying we are something (fiscally responsible, fair & balanced, pro-troops, non-adulterous) it means we actually are despite all evidence caused by they actual actions.

  13. Jerry Critter ,

    I just find it funny that you left wing class warriors always bash capitalist pig investors, and now you post bragging about the superior returns investors can get when you guys are running the show.

    So which is it, do you hate investors or do you want to make them rich?

  14. What bashing? I am just pointing out that you, yes even you witless, earn more when a Democrat is in the White House. I didn't even mention the "capitalist pig investors" (your words, not mine).

  15. The animus of many business people and investors toward Democrats never ceases to amaze me. This chart echoes in a telling way the same thing I've seen pointed out many times using different data and metrics: Democrats are better for business overall than Republicans.

  16. Clinton and Gingrich actually worked pretty darn good together, Jerry. Unfortunately for the country, the former can't run anymore and the latter has essentially gone insane. Oh well, at least we have Hillary to look forward to in 2016 (copious denials to the contrary).

  17. 2016 should be interesting particularly if Obama wins this year. I am looking forward to the contrast between the Democratic and republican candidates.

  18. Jerry Critter,

    You could try a little to be consistent. You guys bash private enterprise constantly. You blame anyone who dares to be successful for all the evils of the world. Now you pat yourselves on the back for how well the rich do when you rule your slaves.

    You are bipolar in your points.

  19. LOL!

    Tough love, Witless, tough love. And all of your complaining does not change the facts.

  20. The difference is that Democrats try to help everyone. Republicans only try to help the 1% at the expense of everyone else.

  21. Jerry Critter,

    To be as hypocritical as your progressive brethren you must now deny that your last comment is class warfare. Please deny it. I can't go to sleep without hearing a liberal tell me that up is down and left is right.

  22. How is it class warfare? You just don't like the truth.

  23. Jerry Critter,

    " Republicans only try to help the 1% at the expense of everyone else. "

    You are demonizing the 1%. Class warfare. But thank you. I can now go to sleep. You have fulfilled my expectations.

  24. Witless,
    As usual you have got things backwards. If I am demonizing anyone, it is the republicans, not the 1%. The 1% are just getting what they pay for.

  25. Witless, do you agree that Democrat presidents are better for business than Republicans? If not, why not?

  26. John ,

    I do not agree. Some businesses do better under Democrats. It's called crony capitalism, look it up. The non crony companies who don't pay protection are better off under Republicans .

  27. Witless,

    I am familiar with the concept of crony capitalism. Most people think Bushes and Oil companies and defense contracts. Of course, I don't have to look it up. It has become a common term since Bush took office. I am not sure why you brought it up, though.

    Is it your contention that most companies do better under democrats because of Crony Capitalism then? How do you explain the above chart and the record profits companies are stuffing under their mattresses now?
