Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Who Benefits From The Public Option?

Corporations have a fiduciary responsibility to act in the interest of their stockholders over anyone else. Their first and primary responsibility is to their "beneficiaries interest".

This fiduciary responsibility holds true for health insurance corporations. Their first responsibility is to their stockholders. It is to their stockholders before their clients. That means if there is a choice between benefiting their stockholders or benefiting their clients, the stockholders win. Clients pay money to the health insurance company. Good for stockholders. Health insurance company pay clients' medical claims. Bad for stockholders. Paying out claims reduces health insurance companies profits. Lower profits bad for stockholders. Therefore it is to the stockholders benefit when the health insurance companies refuse to pay claims.

We, the people, suffer when the health insurance company refuses to pay our claims. But the insurance company is upholding it responsibility to its stockholders. It is maximizing profits, and hence benefits to the stockholders.

What we need is a health insurance company where we are the stockholders. What we need is a health insurance company that does not earn a profit, but rather benefits its stockholders by providing good service -- good service by paying medical claims.

That is what the public option is. It is a government health insurance company where we are the stockholders. We are also the clients. Our premiums pay the cost of the health care, but not profits to stockholders. It is a health insurance company that works for our benefit, we the people, not a select group of stockholders. We are the people who benefit from the pubic health insurance company.

Why don't people see that?

1 comment:

  1. Nice post, Jerry.

    But yes, it's like banging one's head against a wall, isn't it.
