Monday, November 28, 2011

If We Are Going To Cut Discretary Spending...

shouldn't we start with the department that spends most of it?


From here.


  1. Owned whores in DC don't do business like that JC or something to that effect.

  2. Agree whole-heartedly, Jerry. It is more than past the time that countries like South Korea and Japan started paying more for their own defense (hey, maybe they could even purchase some weapons from us). And do we really, REALLY, need a military base in Aruba? Aruba?

  3. So true, One Fly. Whores do what they are paid to do...that's why we, the people, should be paying the whores, not the 1%.

  4. The Queen Beatrix Air Base in Aruba is just one of fourteen (14) military bases we maintain in Latin America.

    It operates out of both Reina Beatrix International Airport in Aruba and the Hato International Airport in Curacao. The foreign facilities are owned and operated by the host country. The presence in Aruba is a small one, with two medium and three small aircraft, about fifteen permanently assigned staff and twenty to twenty-five temporarily deployed operations and maintenance personnel. (from here)

  5. Seriously? 14 military bases in america? that's just great.

  6. The sun never sets on the American Empire.

  7. The excuse is drug trafficking...and we all know how well that is working out.
