Sunday, July 25, 2010

Is She The Next Senator Of California?

UPDATE: The title should have read Senator, not Governor. I have corrected it.


  1. Damn, poor California if she is..I can't believe she will be tho.. Fuck those teabaggers, they are disgusting! Why don't liberals show these videos when the teabaggers claim to be so gentle and nice... UGH!!!

  2. I am a Cali native and I swear to Buddha if this bag o shit gets elected I am gonna lose my friggin mind. Jerry isn't running shit for ads. Its almost like he is throwing the race!

  3. Jerry doesn't have nearly the money that she has, but he will get going in a while.

  4. I'm sure pulling for Jerry. This woman is as bad as Bachman and Palin.

  5. Of course the answer to my question is NO! Fiorina is running for Senator against Barbara Boxer while Meg Whitman is running against Jerry Brown for governor. However, that doesn't change the fact that she is endorsed by Palin and supports the teabaggers.

  6. AAAARRRRRGGGGHHHH! It's the plague of the lamebrained ultra-conservative Republican Tea Party women candidates!

  7. Jerry I simply cannot abide this woman. She was a failure as a CEO and will be a failure if elected to governor. Scary world with this tea-bagger thing...

  8. After wrecking HP, it's hard to find something bigger to wreck, so she's set her sights on the whole country.

  9. She will fit right in with the rest of the republicans.
