Sunday, October 20, 2013

Bring Me Back a COLD One!

Global Warming Solution From Anthropogenic Deniers.


  1. There is a considerable range of folk, from confused to hostile among those that
    don't like the science

    1. Interesting article. Skeptics vs Deniers, kind of like agnostics vs fundamentalists, one recognizes gray while the other only see black and white.

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  3. LOL. At least these flat-earthers have their priorities straight, with the bucket path leading straight to the liquor store.

  4. Well, I think many of them would deny that the oceans are going to rise a "couple feet". Remember that temps in the troposphere are rising less than on land? If AGW were real it would be the other way around. AGW is thus disproved. You'd know this if you listened to the luminaries and heavyweights (I mean this sarcastically, of course).

    1. Deniers like to use the exception to prove the rule.

    2. Skeptical Science says that the calculations that Christy and Spencer did to arrive at that conclusion (temps in the troposphere are rising less than on land) were wrong. Skeptical Science says Christy himself admitted this. But the denier of which we speak keeps citing this research (the disproved study). Would he say Skeptical Science is lying? I don't know, as I can't ask him (being banned).

  5. Can anyone be worse for Texas than Wendy Davis, the Democratic candidate for Governor of Texas. Will the craziness ever cease? Are the people of Texas being taken for idiots?
    Now I know that our society has become completely ignorant. It started with Obama and now this? This idiot will destroy the governorship of a one time great State..
    I bet she gets an endorsement from Dr. Gosnell. And if he were still alive George Tiller would be campaigning for her.
    She’d make a better Governor of a concentration camp.
    Hypocrisy thy name is liberal....Nincompoopery is right. The Nincompoop over at the "Progressive" blog loves her, but then again she also loves Mooshell Obama. .

    Ever since the election and then the re-election of Barack Hussein Obama The world has been upside down. And the country has become the land of freebees and handouts here in America. We now find another monster named Wendy Davis running for the Texas governorship .I can see the liberals salivating already. In the liberal mind America has become a socialist haven. A stupid socialist communists who want the government to take control of all businesses. There is no longer any sort of decency to be found any place. The concept of decency is translated to promoting the late term abortion blood bath where full term infants are stabbed in the back of the head and their brains sucked out with Frankenstein machines and if a baby slips out of the abortion monster's hands it's throat is cut on the table and it's body is thrown in the trash barrel. But if that makes you happy, then vote for her!
    The only issue she is known for us being pro killing children!!
    Who knows what the brave new abortion on demand democrat administration is capable of.
    The only issue she is known for us being so Pro killing children.

  6. Sorry Skoal Man but this post was about global climate change. Thanks anyway for your demonstration of right wing "intelligence".

    1. Skoal must like that post, he has used it verbatim elsewhere.

    2. Typical troll behavior. They have nothing original. Someone else probably wrote it. They just cut and paste.

  7. Yeah "Probably"

  8. You seem convinced the "denier" meme applies. I am convinced it is a pejorative and epithet used to construct a Strawman Argument - which is more devious than a simple lie. It was usual to make a hypothesis and see if it works : but we have gone straight to alleging 'the science is settled' and justifying that by Appeal to Authority. Tell it to Galileo : or Freud for that matter. Forecasting the future used to be called soothsaying and prophecy : but now it is science ? Wow. I'll disagree for a while yet, as temperature reports from the future continue in short supply. Fundamental Uncertainties of Climate Change

  9. And then there's Hillary, and Obsma, and Biden, and ass- he's like RN, and Shaw, and Ducky,and Dsve Miller. And so many othe Ass-hole, and that's why this country is going on the path that it is, down the toilet!

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