Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Why Not These Cuts Instead

In my last post I showed how $61 Billion dollars in budget cuts proposed by the House republicans will result in the loss of 700,000 jobs.  Republicans are trying to balance the budget on the backs of the poor and the hard working Americans.

If there was any doubt that republicans want to balance the budget on the backs of the poor and the hard working Americans, just look at their latest maneuvers in the House.
  • The republicans voted down a Democrat motion to recommit that would have stripped the five largest oil companies of taxpayer subsidies, saving tens of billions of dollars in taxpayer funds.  TENS OF BILLIONS OF DOLLARS!
  • A similar vote two weeks ago to recoup $53 billion in taxpayer funds from Big oil was also voted down53 BILLIONS OF DOLLARS
 In case you are feeling sorry for the poor oil companies, the made $485 BILLION DOLLARS in profits between 2005 and 2009.

Why not stop giving money to the oil companies rather than taking away benefits to people who need them to live?


  1. Don't you know that it's the way it works. This is why we are so screwed and the ones betting screwed say bring it on.

  2. Gosh, what a surprise. Am I ever disillusioned.

  3. fuckers... what kind of president do we need to make these changes? It sure ain't gonna happen with my guy Obama. He is NOT listening to us!

  4. Hello Jerry,
    Great Post and this word needs to get out. The oil companies have been making record profits and getting tax payers substitutes. THANK YOU DICK CHENEY…..You did a great job screwing the citizens of the U.S.!!!!

    You ask, “Why not stop giving money to the oil companies rather than taking away benefits to people who need them to live?” Well that’s not the current Republican’s CorpCo’s mentality today. And there are those non-thinking, mindless, easily led, that voted Conservative Republican because they think that it is in their benefit. Dumb-Ass Lemmings.

  5. Oil today is above $100 per barrel. I know for a fact that it costs less than $20 per barrel to produce it on the North Slope of Alaska. That's over $80 per barrel profit.

    North Slope oil production is about 650,000 barrels per day. At $80 per barrel profit, the oil companies are making $52,000,000, that's $52 million dollars per DAY profit in Alaska. That's almost $19,000,000,000 ($19 BILLION DOLLARS PER YEAR) in Alaska alone.

    Tell me again why they need tax subsidies?

  6. Sue, he fooled a lot of us. I have someone in mind to draft if we can get his ass out.
    The republican vote was 100% to not tax the oil company's. Also BP has the go to start drilling in the Gulf again. Obama has been bought and paid for by BP. As for Cheney, what do you expect, he has no heart..Bawahhhahah

  7. Good article. Maybe I'm delusional, but I really feel the majority of Americans are beginning to wake up and smell the coffee - thanks in large part to the idiot Republicans themselvesw.

  8. Well, since the friggin R's represent only the rich and uber rich it doesn't surprise. All this shit will eventually affect everyone..and I mean everyone below the top 2 percent.

    It's hard to keep from going berserk over this shit. At least for me it is.
